How to Avoid Sun Glare Accidents

Brilliant summer days, as well as snowy winter ones, can bring more sunlight and sun glare. Driving in direct sunlight is a major cause of automobile accidents due to the

When A Car Accident Becomes a Crime

When most people think of a car accident, criminal charges typically do not come to mind. However, there are circumstances in which the State of California may impose criminal charges

How to Report Unsafe Trucking Companies

If you believe that a trucking company is engaging in negligent or dangerous behavior, you have options to report these unsafe practices. If you have been a victim of a trucking

Federal Rules Truck Drivers Are Required to Follow

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), is a branch of the Department of Transportation in the U.S. that governs and enforces trucking rules and regulations. If a truck driver operates a Commercial

California Motorcycle Laws You Need to Know

When operating a motorcycle, safety is paramount. Motorcycles can be risky for riders and result in severe injury or death even when taking all the appropriate precautions, so staying safe