If you are ever involved in a car accident that results from someone else’s negligence, you will likely have to deal with an insurance company in order to obtain a settlement to compensate you for your injuries and losses. You should never expect that an insurance company has your best interest in mind during these negotiations. Learn the top five things car insurance companies do not want you to know regarding the process of attempting to receive the compensation you deserve after an accident.
They Will Make Filing and Paying a Claim Obnoxiously Long
The longer an insurance company draws out the process regarding a settlement offer, the longer they do not actually have to pay a victim. Additionally, some insurance companies hope that the long process will frustrate a victim so much that they will simply accept a lower settlement offer than they deserve. With mounting medical bills and life expenses, coupled with an inability to return to work, insurance companies know that victims count on settlements in order to pay daily expenses. Additionally, if they wait long enough to pay, a victim may fail to realize that the statute of limitations to file a claim in court has passed, leaving them with no legal ability to file a claim for the compensation they deserve.
Insurance Company Doctors Are Not Trustworthy
Insurance adjusters will always refer you to one of their doctors regarding your medical injuries in an attempt to find reasons to not fully pay a fair settlement claim. Doctors recommended by insurance companies will often attempt to find pre-existing conditions, arguing that your medical injuries are not the result of an accident at all. These tactics are simply used to discredit victims and minimize the amount of compensation offered as a settlement. Always make sure to visit your own doctor or medical professional in order to receive proper evaluation and treatment.
The Insurance Adjuster is Not Your Friend
Insurance adjusters will always come across as friendly and helpful. Many will ask simple questions such as how are you feeling today? If you say fine, they could use this answer against you regarding a lower settlement offer. Never make the assumption that the insurance adjuster is your friend. Most will sound very friendly and have manipulative tactics that attempt to endear themselves to victims. However, they have a vested interest in attempting to have you accept the lowest settlement offer possible. Never discuss anything with your adjuster that you do not have to, never offer complete medical records, and never allow yourself to be recorded.
The Insurance Company Does Not Want You to Sue
While an insurance company may use manipulative tactics in order to delay providing victims with appropriate settlement offers, they truly do not want a victim to sue for compensation following an accident. If a victim makes the decision to sue an insurance company for a fair and just settlement, they will have to expend additional resources and money in order to fight that lawsuit. This will only provide additional financial losses to the insurance company. Therefore, make sure to always stand your ground as it will likely provide you more of an opportunity to get the fair and just settlement that you deserve.
You Will Have a Lower Settlement Amount Without an Attorney
The truth is that you will likely have a lower settlement amount offered by an insurance company if you are not represented by an attorney. Insurance companies have adjusters who know manipulative tactics in order to get a victim to accept a lower settlement amount than they deserve. However, attorneys know these deceptive tactics and how to address them directly. If you suffered injuries and losses as a result of a car accident, make sure you have strong legal representation to get the settlement you deserve. Contact The Law Office of Daniel A. Rose as soon as possible, and our experienced accident lawyers will help you negotiate with the insurance company. Call for a free consultation today at 415-737-5886 or visit us online.