Vehicle collisions can lead to severe injuries for all the occupants involved. However, a pregnant woman involved in a car crash has a greater risk of unique injuries. That’s because
10 Leading Causes of Car Accidents in California
Each year, thousands of car accidents are recorded all over the United States. The number has decreased over the years, but tens of thousands of car crashes are registered in
Bicycle Saftey: Reducing the Risk of Accident and Injury
The Importance of Bicycle Safety Cycling is one of the most popular recreational activities in the United States. Even though there have been many efforts to promote cycling safety, bicycle
California Bicycle Laws
California’s mild climate, bike-friendly infrastructure, scenic routes, diverse terrain, and active cycling community make it an ideal place for anyone who loves to ride a bike. Unfortunately, severe or fatal bicycle
The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice, and is for informational purposes only. You should consult an attorney for advice
Common Auto Accident Injuries
17 July 2021 Being involved in a car accident always has the potential to cause injuries. The most obvious are dents and scrapes to the vehicle. Damages caused to a person’s body are not always so obvious. Sometimes, people may feel like they have walked away completely unharmed but days later experience side effects, such […]
How to Get the Most Out of a Motorcycle Accident Claim
10 October 2020 As one of the nation’s most populated states, it’s no surprise that there are a lot of motor vehicles on California’s roads. Motorists don’t only share the road with other cars, but also with motorcycles and a motorcyclist is among the most vulnerable travelers on our thoroughfares. When a motorcyclist comes into […]
5 Post Car Accident Symptoms to Watch Out For
14 October 2019 If you were involved in a car accident, you may have felt fine at the scene of the crash. Even immediately after, you may have felt that you suffered only minor injuries or no injuries at all. However, adrenaline can mask serious and life-threatening injuries, and after a car accident, it’s important […]
How to sue for a “whiplash” injury and how to arrive at a fair settlement
17 May 2021 “Whiplash” is a common term and often gets associated with and popularized by TV shows like Law and Order and Seinfeld; however, the proper medical name for this type of injury is a “cervical muscle strain” or similarly a “neck strain.” Whichever term you prefer, the reality is that whiplash injury is […]
What Are Non-Economic Damages in Wrongful Death Cases?
08 August 2020 If your loved one died as a result of someone else’s negligence, as a family member you may have the legal right to file a wrongful death lawsuit to receive justice in the State of California. While no amount of money will bring back your loved one, you may have funeral expenses, […]